Professor Stephen Monismith was chosen as one of this year's 12 recipients of the Tau Beta Pi Teaching Honor Roll at Stanford University.
The Teaching Honor Roll was created to incentivize consistently outstanding teaching and to show faculty members that students appreciate their hard work. Faculty can be nominated for the Stanford Tau Beta Pi Teaching Honor Roll by any Stanford student, and recipients are selected annually by the Stanford Tau Beta Pi membership.
Tau Beta Pi (TBP) is a nationwide honor society that encompasses all engineering disciplines. The Stanford chapter is entirely student run, and one of the premier goals is to promote excellence in teaching at Stanford University. The TBP Teaching Honor Roll aims to honor our faculty members who promote excellent teaching in the School of Engineering.
One student nomination stated, "Stephen supports his students as they navigate their time in college, whether he is serving as their advisor or holding coffee chats. He is such a joy to have here, and I'm so grateful to have been taught by him!"
A plaque will be added to the TBP Teaching Honor Roll wall located in the Huang Engineering Center across from the Engineering Heroes wall.