What do Mark Z. Jacobson, Leonardo DiCaprio and the United Nations have in common?
His breakout role was in Titanic, so Leonardo DiCaprio should know about looming disasters.
The uber-celebrity and recently named UN “messenger of peace” addressed the opening of the body’s Climate Summit on Sept. 23, urging the delegates to make meaningful progress toward solutions.
“The good news is that renewable energy is not only achievable but good economic policy,” DiCaprio told the more than 120 world leaders assembled. “New research shows that by 2050 clean, renewable energy could supply 100 percent of the world’s energy needs using existing technologies, and it would create millions of jobs.”
The research DiCaprio cited was that of Mark Z. Jacobson, professor of civil and environmental engineering, director of the Atmosphere/Energy Program and a senior fellow with the Stanford Woods Institute and the Precourt Institute for Energy.
DiCaprio came to Jacobson’s study through their mutual involvement with The Solutions Project, a national outreach effort led by Jacobson, actor Mark Ruffalo, film director Josh Fox and others to raise public awareness about switching to clean energy.
See the video of DiCaprio’s talk here.