Two staffers awarded School of Engineering Kay Bradley Award
The Kay Bradley Award recognizes a staff member in the School of Engineering who serve students with professionalism, friendliness, integrity, and devotion. Selection is based on letters of support submitted by students. The Dean’s office can, in exceptional circumstances, make TWO awards for the Kay Bradley in a special year. This year, two exceptional staff were both chosen to receive a Kay Bradley award -- and they are both in CEE!
Jill Filice, our CEE student services specialist, was described by students as helpful, caring, attentive, patient, knowledgeable, a wonderful resource, unbelievably kind, and awesome. According to one student she has "become legendary among students in always being the person they can count on to help them".
Pamela McLeod, the education and outreach manager for our dept’s NSF Center on the Renewal of America’s Urban Water Infrastructure, works with undergraduate and graduate researchers, and mentors students on career planning and life skills. In their nomination letters, students described her as positive, creative, and dedicated.
Congratulations to Jill Filice and Pam McLeod!