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Day Of Commencement

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CEE Department Ceremony Instructions

Before 12:00 PM PST

  • Check in at the table in front of Memorial Auditorium.
  • Pick up your name card. Hold on to the card until it's your turn to receive a diploma case.
  • Staff and faculty will be there to assist you throughout the ceremony.

12:00 PM PST

  • Proceed to the west patio, just to the left of the entrance, to line up in your degree line. A sign on the pavement will note each degree designation, and each line will have a student attendance list.
  • Your tassel should be kept on the left side of your academic cap (mortarboard).
  • MS graduates will place their own hood over head onto their shoulders and button before lining up to receive diploma.
  • PhD graduates should keep hoods unbuttoned and folded over their left arm, until they hand it to the faculty hooder on the stage who will place it over their head and onto their shoulders.
  • The marshals will lead you into the auditorium. Sit in order as instructed by the marshal. The marshal will instruct you to stand and advance to the stage when it is time to receive your diploma.
  • When you get to the top of the stairs on the stage, hand your name card to the staff person. They will give it to the professor, who will announce your name as you cross the stage.
  • After you receive your diploma cover, return to your seat by going out to the lobby and returning by the same aisle you originally entered by. Please stay seated until all student names have been read.  


  • Eat a big breakfast or come ready with snacks. There is no food served between the university and dept ceremony. Light refreshments will be served after the CEE ceremony.
  • Masking is strongly encouraged. We are expecting the auditorium to be mostly full.
  • The wifi and cell reception in the auditorium will likely be slow since the auditorium will be full.