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Finding a TA Position

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Finding a TA position:

In the CEE department, there is no formal and universal process of finding a TA position. Since course structure is primarily set by the professor, this individual is also responsible for finding an appropriately qualified individual for the position. However, there is plenty a student can do to grab the attention of a professor and express their interest in becoming a TA. Historically, most students have attained their TA-ship by either taking the course or working with the professor on research. Most professors decide to pick students that have shown a clear interest in the position, a mastery of the course material, and are in need of funding. If you are interested in being the TA for a class, we recommend that you take initiative to take the course, email the professor directly, or personally talk with the professor. 

If you have internal funding with the stipulation that you must be a TA, you will receive an email from the department assigning you to a class. Nonetheless, you should still email the department clarifying your situation so that you will receive information in a timely manner. To find out more about assistantship appointments and tuition allowance please refer to (Admin Guide Assistantships).

The TA role:

During your tenure as a TA, please also keep track of your work hours so that the department and professor know that you are working the proper amount for your appointed position. We want to ensure that both the student and the professor are being treated fairly. The percentage associated with your TA-ship corresponds to the percentage of the 40-hour work week that you are expected to work. For example, a 50% TA appointment translates to an average of 20 hours of work per week for the duration of the pay-period, which generally follows the quarter timeline. A 25% TA-ship translates to an average of 10 hours of work per week over the pay-period.  In general, TA-ships pay for 3 months (13 weeks) of work, but it is more typical for the bulk of your work duties to be conducted within a time frame of 9-10 weeks -- thus, you may work more hours per week, but for fewer than 13 weeks.